How to know when to paint your property!

Do you ever look at your property and wonder when it’s finally time to cut the cord and get a new paint job? Well, we at Larry’s Painting GTA have served home and business owners for over 35 years and as a result have full understanding of when it is time it is time to paint your property, for aesthetic and safety reasons. Take a read, and see if anything fits your current situation!

  1. Beautifying a space: The average property owner is interested in having their space look aesthetically pleasing. Whether it is due to current trends, a new favourite colour or for the pride of a good looking area – a new coat of paint is always a go-to in aesthetically improving a space. If you have old, dull colours, scratches and spots, beautify your space with a fresh coat of paint.
  1. Protect the surface from wear and corrosion: Naturally as time goes on, surfaces get used and are vulnerable to wear and tear. This is common and thus leads to walls developing spots, scratches, paint peeling and more. For example, corrosive substances like salt in the environment will require a coating such as epoxy, to protect the surfaces around it from corroding. Another example, is a frequently used space like a kitchen, will have cabinets looking worse for wear after a certain amount of time. This requires a stronger type of paint that will put that off for several years.
  1. Protect the surface from the elements: Living here on planet earth, we are blessed with sun, rain, snow storms and everything in between. Exterior and interior surfaces are easily affected by these things and for each one, a certain type of paint is required. Over time it is inevitable that you will need to upgrade the paint and bring back life. Water, freezing and sun (which can bake and dry surfaces out) are amongst the various elements that you will need to protect your property from.
  1. Coat a surface for human protection: certain surfaces are not touched by human hands – for example, high up exterior surfaces or baseboards in some cases. But, in the case where we are exposed to these surfaces, it is vital that they are smooth and safe to touch. Splintered wood should be thoroughly sanded and repainted or stained. Extremely cold surfaces (like metal or concrete) can be insulated by a coat of paint, allowing it to be warmer to the touch. Ensure that all reachable spaces are safe and comfortable for human hands.
  1. Enhance traction: Slippery surfaces can be very dangerous and painting may be required. Adding something rubberized onto a floor can increase traction and prevent slipping on surfaces. Thus, sometimes a texturized paint or paint with grit added will be placed on the surface to enhance traction and reduce slipping.
  1. Smooth a surface: If you find that a surface is rough, it may be required to smooth it out for safety or aesthetic reasons. First, sanding it down will allow for the texture to smoothen. Additionally, on surfaces that have slight imperfections or texture, paint applied will smooth it out to a degree. This is because the paint will settle into the grooves. For example, a wooden door with heavy grooves may require sanding and a glossy paint over top to improve its look. This makes it easier to clean and it tends to last longer. 
  1. Provide a clean surface for food and other perishable goods: It is vital to coat areas where food will be handled, stored or eaten from. For example, a clay bowl will require the appropriate coating, to ensure no food/liquids gets absorbed into it. Also, this will prevent bowl/can/glass from excreting its own substances into the food being held. There needs to be an adequate barrier from food surfaces! 

Well there you have it! If you are encountering any of the above mentioned reasons to paint, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. It is vital that your space is safe, and it doesn’t hurt for it to look good too. 

For a free consultation:

(416) 690-3890

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